Dansk Maskinproduktion ApS
Vertikal Bearbejdning
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Dansk Maskinproduktion ApS
Mølbakvej 11, DK-8520 Lystrup
Tlf.: +45 86 22 31 00
E-mail: info(at)maskinproduktion.dk

Vertical Machine Center Work

Vertical Machining Centers have the spindle in the vertical position. These machines work well in applications where flat or long parts can be placed on the machine table. Parts are secured on the table typically using vises or other holding devices. They are suited for hugher production work where parts can easily be changed out when machining is complete.



Dansk Maskinproduktion operates two CNC vertical machining centers and two manual. The largest has a table size of 2,300 mm in X and 1,000 mm in Y. all of our vertical machines can operate a 4th axis rotary table.

Dansk Maskinproduktion has the necessary CAD/CAM software to handle both 2D and 3D files.
